What is Cable management flooring
  2021/03/15| View:1494

The low cable management access floor is located above the existing floor to accommodate electrical, data and voice wiring. The integrated wiring method replaces overhead cable trays and vertical poles, eliminating the need to cut trenches in the concrete. The low floor provides 2 inches of space between the existing floor and the raised floor to manage wires and cables. Accessing cables and wires is simple for any reason-just lift the panel.

What are the benefits of Cable management flooring?

Compared with overhead cable management and traditional raised floor systems, the benefits of installing Cable management flooring are obvious, including:

Cable management flooring

1. Eliminate safety and trip hazards

2. It can be installed without professional knowledge or professional knowledge

3. Faster project completion time

4. Compared with vertical cable management poles, it is more aesthetically attractive

5. The access floor can be carpeted

6. It is easy to modify, and it will cause less interference to the staff when relocating or remodeling the office (no confusion)

7. Cable management flooring can move with you

8. The cost is lower than overhead wiring

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